Tumblr vs WordPress: The Fight of the Blogging Giants on Twitter [Infographic]
Tumblr and WordPress are two of the most blogging platforms in today’s times. They both are dominating the blogging world since their inception. However, when it comes to find the better one amongst these two, people will find it really difficult to come up with a reliable result, as both of them are considered as the Blogging Giants.
But to give you some idea of their popularity, and to find which one is dominating the other on social media platforms, we have compared the official WordPress Twitter account with the official Tumblr account on Twitter, and have come up with an unimaginable results and figures. And to present you with all that, we have sum up the information that we gathered on an Infographic given below.
Infographic Description
According to the stats we collected from twitter, Tumblr is far ahead from WordPress with a whopping figure of 680,024 followers, whereas WordPress has only managed to get the attention only from 236,963 people, which is just 25.85% of their combined followers i.e., 916,987.
Moreover, when we compared their no. of users they both follow, we were surprised to see that WordPress follows only 165 users. This eventually gave room to the Tumblr again for emerging as the clear winner, as it currently follows 433 twitter users.
Apart from this, in terms of engagement rate of users, average followers per day, total no. of tweets, and average tweets per week, Tumblr managed to become the winner in three aspects except the engagement rate of users.