Blogger Vs. Weebly : Most popular blogging platform on twitter [Infographic]
So now that you have become bored of the most popular blogging tool, WordPress, and either wish to transfer the blog to a new platform or start an entirely new one with a different angle, you would be considering which blogging platform to choose. You have come to the right place, because here are presenting you an infographic comparing the second most popular blogging platform Blogger, with the third most, Weebly. The infographic compares the twitter statistics of two most famous blogging platforms that are second to only WordPress, and highlights which is the more popular of the two.
As evident from the twitter profile of Blogger and twitter profile of Weebly, Blogger having more than 214,000 followers is more popular among twitter users than Weebly that has a less than a half of the number of flowers of Blogger, around 95,000.
Weebly on the other hand is much more active than Blogger on twitter and is actively following more than 50 accounts whereas blogger is only following 9. And that is not all, Weebly has more than 2750 total tweets at the rate of more than 10 tweets per week where as Blogger has less than 2000 tweets and that at the tweet rate of less than 5 tweets per week. Clearly Weebly is not leaving any stone unturned when it comes to brand promotion and is actively marketing itself through twitter interactions.
But even then Blogger is a much older blogging platform than Weebly and has a very huge user base than Weebly. It will take a significant effort and some drastic innovation from Weebly to catchup to the likes of Blogger and WordPress.