Android vs. Windows Phone: a race between mobile OS GIANTS
If you look at the software industry’s history you would realize that mobile device operating systems are not so recent innovation. They were very much available even before the mobile revolution. Before the launch of Android however, very few people except the tech savvy and business elites knew about mobile OS such as Blackberry OS and Windows Phone, because they were employed in very expensive mobile sets that were bought by only, well, tech savvy and business elites.
But Android and iOS changed that. Now Android and Apple, along with Windows 8 and Windows Phone, are known by everyone who owns smartphone, which is at least half a billion people of the world. Now there are nearly a dozen different types of mobile OS that are competing full time in the mobile market. And out of those the rivalry that matches Android vs. iOS is only the competition between Android and Widows phone.
And this competition is rightly depicted by the twitter statistics of these two mobile OS which is show in the infographic below. As evident from Android’s twitter profile, it came relatively much later that Windows Phone in the market and similarly opened a twitter account nearly a thousand days after Windows Phone’s twitter profile, but even then it has twice the number of followers than Windows and that after the fact that Windows account has a much higher number of tweets than Android.
But in all Microsoft, the company behind Windows Phone is not the one that admits defeat, and neither does Google, the company behind Android. It is a competition that is still in its initial stage and there is a lot to come ahead. But for now Android has an edge over Windows and it would require some strategy rethinking from the giants at Microsoft to blunt that edge.